Paw to piękny i wyjątkowy ptak - nic dziwnego, że przez wieki inspirowano się nim w sztuce. Artyści z czasów secesyjnych inspirowali się naturą. Piękne pawie były przedstawiane nie tylko na obrazach, ale także ozdabiały budynki. Również we Wrocławiu nie brakuje pawi na kamienicach... no i oczywiście we Wrocławskim Zoo.
Peacocks are beautiful and unique birds - no wonder that for centuries they were an inspiration in art. Art Nouveau artists were also inspired by nature. Beautiful peacocks were presented not only in paintings but also used in architecture. Wrocław is no exception - you can find peacocks in architecture... and in Wroclaw Zoo of course.
Peacocks are beautiful and unique birds - no wonder that for centuries they were an inspiration in art. Art Nouveau artists were also inspired by nature. Beautiful peacocks were presented not only in paintings but also used in architecture. Wrocław is no exception - you can find peacocks in architecture... and in Wroclaw Zoo of course.
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